Bangkok University's Founder Mr. Surat Osathanugrah has developed for over fifty years of his Life the passion in photographing and has cultured his own expertise into art and artistry recognized by professionals and appreciated by art lovers. Particularly, his great collections, both the black and white and the color, can be part of the Thai culture itself for they not only convey artistry of photography but also relate the stories of disappearing ways of life.
Bangkok University is a higher learning institution that has a mission to preserve and cherish the heritage of Thai culture. In recognition of the value of the Founder's works, the exhibition of Mr. Surat's black and white photos is held in celebration of the University's 40th Year in 2002. The purpose is for the public viewers to have an opportunity to reminisce the vanishing ways of life of the good old days in the Thai society, especially the images of Bangkok. The works are also meant to pass on to the new generations the old Thai ways of life and culture; connection of which they have lost or long forgotten.
In 2002, Mr. Surat will also commemorate his 72th Anniversary when Bangkok University he founded celebrates its 40th Year of educating Thai youths and students from all over the world. The University therefore takes this opportune time to organize the black and white photo exhibition "Vanishing Bangkok" by Surat Osathanugrah to mark both auspicious occasions.