Pongsatuch Uaikiang name his first Solo Exhibition as 'The Journey
into Self Balancing' which quite as an abstract. It has not specified
the exact meaning of 'Journey' nor what, is 'Balancing'. Whether
it is a physical move (ex. to walk, to run, to creep, or to travel
by plain, etc.) or it is abstract analogy of life or soul.
To be sincere in devising or working on artistic can also be
'journey of abstract'.
The Physically Self-Balancing normally means to the separation
or quantities distributed for an object to its symmetry, for
example, to equalising the weight of the scale. For putting
all the elements in order of balancing, it has to allocate factors
that could be the some or conflict both, in the same picture
to be together peacefully. In which the most effective way is
to set the distinctive point at the centre and set aside, right
and left equally balance.
Wish the 'Journey into Self Balancing' of Pongsatuch Uaiklang,
this time, will be succeeded by establishing the Balancing through
the 'Appearance' of the result of his work. Also brought us
the Balancing between the artistry livelihood and the artistry
live works.
Sutee Kunavichayanont
May 9th, 2002
Department of the Theory of Arts, Faculty of Painting Sculpturee
and Graphic Arts,
Silpakorn University