27 November - 11 December 1998 at the
art gallery of the Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic
Art, Silpakorn University, Wang Tha Phra, Na Pra Larn, Bangkok
I cannot deny the time in art. Time plays an important role in the interpretation of individuals paintings as well as the method of its interpretation. A work of art represents a period of time. It is a time between the beginning of the creative artistical feeling and its completion. To develop a work of art is to really understand what happens inside of us. We could not simply avoid or deny that feeling, but we have to deal with it by absorbing and homogenizing it into its hearts. When we open our mind we realize that there are many questions to pursue and answer. This artwork is not just a style but it is a specific means to explain a variety of understandings and feelings existing in myself.